Plight of Children in Pakistan: Abuse in Madrassas Exposed

Published 2024 Apr 25 Thursday

Islamabad: Recent revelations of child sexual abuse by clerics and the dissemination of disturbing videos depicting the harsh treatment of madrassa students have illuminated the dark realities existing within Pakistan's religious institutions, as reported by Dawn.

Unfortunately, these atrocities are not unique to Pakistan; globally, totalitarian establishments, including seminaries, the Vatican, and various educational and religious organizations, have been implicated in systemic abuse.

Despite the severity of these crimes, the influence wielded by clerical authorities in Pakistan often shields religious institutions from accountability, leaving whistleblowers, activists, and survivors to navigate a perilous path towards justice.

Over the past two decades, Pakistan has witnessed a troubling shift in social development approaches, with an increasing focus on sacralizing development to appease Muslim sensibilities. This trend has exacerbated existing challenges within Pakistan's colonial and Islamic legal framework, intensifying the stigma surrounding gender and sexuality while elevating clerical authority above human rights advocacy.

Data collected by Sahil, an NGO dedicated to addressing child sexual abuse, highlights a troubling trend: the majority of abusers are individuals known to the victims, such as acquaintances, neighbors, or even family members. Shockingly, religious teachers and clerics emerge as the primary perpetrators within institutional settings, surpassing even police officers, school teachers, or nuclear family members in the number of complaints filed against them.

Despite legal provisions mandating continued investigation and prosecution, survivors often face immense pressure to retract their statements, and the lack of accessible DNA forensics further impedes justice.

Efforts toward institutional reform within Pakistani madrassas have historically focused on curricula and funding rather than addressing issues of institutional accountability. This neglect has allowed cycles of abuse to persist unchecked, perpetuating a culture of impunity within religious circles.

Complicating matters further is the complicity of external actors. Western-funded projects, purportedly aimed at fostering social change through faith-based approaches, have inadvertently empowered clerics as community gatekeepers. However, these projects fail to acknowledge or address the rampant abuse occurring within religious institutions.

The partnership between donors and clerics has only served to reinforce the power dynamics that enable abuse to thrive. Clerical leaders, now emboldened as power brokers, exert pressure on victims to withdraw charges and facilitate out-of-court settlements, further eroding trust in the justice system.

Despite some legislative progress, such as amendments to rape and honor crime laws, Pakistan's legal framework remains riddled with gender and religious biases. Family laws perpetuate inequalities, particularly regarding sexual maturity and underage marriage, while societal norms surrounding marriage and gender roles perpetuate the devaluation of girls and their vulnerability to exploitation.

Feminist activists have been at the forefront of challenging these myths and advocating for survivors' rights. The Aurat March movement has provided a platform for survivors to share their experiences and demand accountability for perpetrators. However, entrenched attitudes within religious, judicial, and political circles continue to hinder progress, allowing perpetrators to evade justice.

As the nation grapples with these challenges, shedding light on the plight of children in Pakistan's madrassas is essential to fostering accountability, reform, and ultimately, safeguarding the well-being of vulnerable individuals within religious institutions. (ANI)
